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Hannah Bossi
Yale University
Physics Dept. - Wright Lab. 301
272 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
GitHub Page

About Me

My work with the ALICE Collaboration began in 2017, when I worked under the supervision of Dr. Markus Fasel on the reconstruction of the K0s. This work was sponsored by the Michigan REU Summer Student Program. After this summer project, I continued to stay involved in ALICE, working on pi0 and eta reconstruction under the supervision of Dr. Friederike Bock. This work was completed concurrently with my undergraduate thesis work exploring Lorentz symmetry breaking in Horava gravity. In 2018, I graduated from Colby College with a Bachelor's degree in both physics and computer science. In the fall of 2018, I began my graduate studies at Yale University working in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Group under the supervision of Professor John Harris and Professor Helen Caines. The predominant focus of my graduate studies is jet physics in ALICE. My work at Yale is partially supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, which I earned in 2020.

Generally, my research interests concern the use of jets as a probe for studying the Quark-Gluon plasma. I am drawn to the challenge of jet measurements, particularly in heavy-ion collisions where the large uncorrelated background makes inclusive jet measurements quite difficult (especially at low transverse momentum and large resolution parameters). My graduate work has focused on extending current measurements of jet suppression to larger resolution parameters and lower in transverse momentum in order to disentangle the relative contributions of various energy loss mechanisms. This work is done via a novel machine learning based background correction, and is the first application of machine learning to heavy-ion jet measurements in ALICE. My collaborators on this project include Laura Havener (Yale), Raymond Ehlers (ORNL) and Constantin Loizides (ORNL). This method extends an existing method developed by Ruediger Haake and Constantin Loizides for both charged and full jets which contain both the charged and neutral component of the jet. I am additionally active in the software development for ALICE in Run 3, focusing on the bad channel calibration of the electromagnetic calorimeter and the jet framework.

In addition to my research interests, I am also passionate about promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in physics. Recently, this has meant serving as the social chair for Yale's Graduate Women in Physics Group and serving on the Graduate Student Advisory Committee as well as the Qualifying Exam and Graduate Curriculum Review Committee . Laura Havener and myself are also working to organize an ALICE Masterclass at Yale as a part of the larger international masterclass program. Within the ALICE collaboration, I also serve as one of the three Junior Representatives.

Selected publications

Bossi, H. , "Measurement of the nuclear modification factor for inclusive jets in Pb−-Pb collisions using machine-learning techniques at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV", ALICE Collaboration, in preparation [lead analyzer].

Bossi, H. , "Measurement of the nuclear modification factor for charged-particle jets in Pb−-Pb collisions using machine-learning techniques at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV", ALICE Collaboration, in preparation [lead analyzer].

Bluhm, R., Bossi, H., Wen, Y., "Gravity with explicit spacetime symmetry breaking and the Standard Model Extension", in: Phys. Rev. D 100, 084022 (2019), cf. arXiv:1907.13209.

Bossi, H., Chakdar, S., "A Symmetric Two Higs Doublet Model", in process of submission, cf. arXiv:1810.13408.

Conference Proceedings

Bossi, H. , "R-dependence of inclusive jet suppression and groomed jet splittings in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE", conference proceedings from Quark Matter 2022 arXiv:2208.14492.

Bossi, H. , "Recent Jet Measurements in ALICE", conference proceedings from QCD 2021, to be published in: Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings.

Bossi, H. , "Inclusive Jet Measurements in Pb--Pb Collisions at 5.02 TeV with ALICE using Machine Learning Techniques" to be published in: PoS HardProbes2020 cf. arXiv:2009.02269.

Professional Activities

Co-Coordinator, ALICE Machine Learning Working Group (2022 - present)

ALICE Junior Representative (2021 - present)

ALICE USA Junior Ambassador (2020 - present)

Analysis Review Committee (ALICE Internal) (2022 - present), Hardest kT, g Jet Splittings in pp and Pb -- Pb Collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV

Analysis Review Committee (ALICE Internal) (2021 - present), Measurements of jet-axis differences in pp collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV

Co-Writer for the Machine Learning Section, ALICE Review Paper (2020 - present)

Conferences and seminars


2021 2020 2019

Useful Notes

I am also an avid note taker and I love putting information in concise and meaningful formats for the retention of knowledge. Since they have been helpful to others, I am including some of my favorite note sheets below. Feel free to use and distribute these as you like - I am happy to see them benefit others! All errors are my own. If there are any additions or corrections you would like to see, feel free to email me and let me know!

  • Unfolding Guide
  • Advanced Classical Mechanics